Know Your AWS Community Day Bengaluru 2019 Speaker - Ilanchezhian Ganesamurthy

Interested in getting to know Ilanchezhian Ganesamurthy better? Read on.

About AWS Community Day Bengaluru 2019

AWS Community Days are community-organized cloud education events, featuring technical discussions and demos led by expert AWS users and industry leaders from around the world. AWS community is designed to educate everyone about the AWS platform, architecture best practices and about new innovation. The global AWS ecosystem consists of a range of AWS enthusiasts and advocates who are passionate about helping others build.

It's a great pleasure to have Ilanchezhian Ganesamurthy as a speaker. Let's find out more about the person

Ilanchezhian Ganesamurthy


This is Ilan, working on Digital Innovation technologies like CUI, Cloud, VR.

Job title:

Organization : EVRY
Designation : Enterprise Architect
Work on : Cloud & Conversational AI (CAI)
Linkedin :

Fun fact:

In my office, when someone joins our team. Our Group Head and VP asks to pronounce my name. So far almost all pronounced incorrectly. As Every Indian, working in S/W industry has short name (even 'Ajay' is called as 'AJ' in US), I introduce myself as Ilan. Believe me most of the time during my talk, above opening statements, always helps as good ice-breaker :)


When you dream and imagine, don't confine. If I wish to be super hero, then sandwich of multiple superheros. :)

Ilanchezhian Ganesamurthy will be speaking about Building Digital Human by using AWS Sumerian at the AWS Community Day Bengaluru 2019. You can connect with Ilanchezhian Ganesamurthy on LinkedIn.

To learn more and to register for the AWS Community Day Bengaluru 2019, please visit the Community Day website